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Top 10 Singapore

TravelHunter's instant guide to cosmopolitan, clean and green Singapore. A multicultural city with western amenities and a contemporary cut that makes it both attractive and easy for you to get … [Read more...]

A weekend in Zurich

  Zurich is a subtle cocktail of city life and beautiful natural scenery. It characterizes the city, that Zurich is Switzerland's financial center, but you will find plenty of exiting … [Read more...]

Photo Essay: The City on the Water

Photos: Hotel Steigenberger Hamburg (cover photo), TravelHunter.dk Visit Hamburg - the metropolis with the maritime soul. Get a 360 panoramic view of the city from St. Michaelis church, discover the … [Read more...]

Photo Essay: IPW Chicago

The road to increased travel begins at International Pow Wow, IPW. Thousands of attendees participated in IPW 2014 in Chicago on 5-9 April. »At IPW, the entire international marketplace comes to the … [Read more...]

Four fabulous Food Halls in Europe

Specialty food halls offering the finest fresh, exquisite delicacies, and togetherness inspire locals and tourists visit food markets in droves. Fotos: TravelHunter.dk, travelnews.no, … [Read more...]

Room for Fun – Kimpton Hotels & Restaurants

Kimpton Hotels puts the fun back in travel and offer stylish boutique hotels throughout the United States, cool restaurants with "Table for six" and the best WiFi for free. Photos: Kimpton Hotels … [Read more...]

Jewellery inspired by Travel

Joansu's limited edition jewellery celebrates travel and movement. In her five collections, designer Adjoa Acquah have delicately woven stories and places into designs. Photo: Joansu.com Adjoa … [Read more...]

Aqaba – amazing sites and exiting events

Experience the sun from the blue sky over the sea, desert and rock city of Petra in the kingdom of Jordan. Use Aqaba as your holiday base and get unique experiences both on land and underwater, and … [Read more...]

Gilleleje on top of Zealand

In summer, the winds and the sea of Kattegat are warm and many make a pilgrimage to the top of Zealand. The port of Gilleleje is buzzing with people, who gather around the wooden tables in the harbor … [Read more...]