CIFF – Northern Europe’s innovative platform

Skrevet af TravelHunter 7. august 2015, 20:24


More than 500 brands within mens- and womenswear, accessories and shoes were presented under one roof in Bella Center during Copenhagen International Fashion Fair (CIFF) 5-7 August 2015. visited the LAB segment with unisex styles, zoomed in on espadrilles from Royal Blush, adored the dip dyed leather bags from Depeche, the knitted ponchos from Tif-Tiffy, the silk georgette and silk satin print styles at dea kudibal in the Essentials segment, learned that the Paris lace at Rosemunde Copenhagen will appear in peach and sesam colours spring/summer 2016, stopped by the Selected Homme booth, adored the Erïk Bjerkesjö shoes, and praised the Panama hats which according to MJM are going to be men’s favorite next summer.

Espadrilles Royal Blush Lædertasker Depeche Ponchos Tif-Tiffy

Print dea kudibal Rosemunde Copenhagen Selected Homme Sko Erïk Bjerkesjö Sommerhatte MJM was invited by CIFF2015

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